Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle technique that was developed by Emile and Estrid Vodder to drain and enhance the lymphatic system. A healthy Lymph flow is a big part of a good functioning immune system. The gentle strokes are geared for the lymph vessels just below the skin. The goal of MLD is to increase lymph flow, whereas massage is focused on muscles. While both have therapeutic benefits which are equal in importance, they are different in performance; therefore the client can experience this pain-free relaxing bodywork session.
Why should I consider MLD?
As you probably know, the glands swell when you are sick. These lymph nodes are an important part of your lymph- and immune systems. Just like you change the oil in your car to keep it running well, it’s good to “flush” your lymphatic system to keep it performance optimal. Unlike the blood, which is pumped through the body by the heart, the lymph has no pump to move the fluid through the body.
What conditions does it help?
Anyone who wants to enhance their immune system can receive MLD. That being said, there are several conditions where MLD is recommended as part of your routine to stay healthy. Some clients have reported improvement from sinus issues, bell’s palsy, Lyme disease, reduce swelling after surgery, joint replacements, phantom pain, and (chronic) pain. It helps healing and well-being of the body. Every-body is different, so results are independent.
When should I not get MLD?
If you have a condition that involves any of your major organs you might not be a good candidate for MLD because the body will not be able to handle the increased lymph load. If you have swollen glands or green mucus coming out of your nose you should reschedule your appointment.
What can I expect?
You can wear comfortable clothing, and do not need to undress for an MLD treatment. The strokes are very gentle and rhythmic which can put clients in a deep state of relaxation. You will be laying down on a massage table and will be asked to turn over. Clients are expected to drink 16 oz of water before the treatment, and again after you’ve received your lymphatic drainage. Some clients lose some water weight over the few days following the treatment.
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Why should I consider MLD?
As you probably know, the glands swell when you are sick. These lymph nodes are an important part of your lymph- and immune systems. Just like you change the oil in your car to keep it running well, it’s good to “flush” your lymphatic system to keep it performance optimal. Unlike the blood, which is pumped through the body by the heart, the lymph has no pump to move the fluid through the body.
What conditions does it help?
Anyone who wants to enhance their immune system can receive MLD. That being said, there are several conditions where MLD is recommended as part of your routine to stay healthy. Some clients have reported improvement from sinus issues, bell’s palsy, Lyme disease, reduce swelling after surgery, joint replacements, phantom pain, and (chronic) pain. It helps healing and well-being of the body. Every-body is different, so results are independent.
When should I not get MLD?
If you have a condition that involves any of your major organs you might not be a good candidate for MLD because the body will not be able to handle the increased lymph load. If you have swollen glands or green mucus coming out of your nose you should reschedule your appointment.
What can I expect?
You can wear comfortable clothing, and do not need to undress for an MLD treatment. The strokes are very gentle and rhythmic which can put clients in a deep state of relaxation. You will be laying down on a massage table and will be asked to turn over. Clients are expected to drink 16 oz of water before the treatment, and again after you’ve received your lymphatic drainage. Some clients lose some water weight over the few days following the treatment.
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Our MLD therapists Saskia Coté